Attendance & Punctuality
There is a proven link between attendance and academic achievement, which is why we insist on high levels of attendance. If students are not in school, they will miss vital information and their progress will suffer. Students with above average attendance are far more likely to succeed in their exams than students with below average attendance. The school celebrates good attendance with certificates and prizes throughout the year.
The minimum target for all students is 95% attendance.
Attendance is monitored by Form Tutors. If attendance falls below 95%, tutors will offer support strategies. If attendance falls below 90%, this is persistent absenteeism and the school takes action in line with London Borough of Ealing guidance.
For information on reporting an absence please click here.
It is essential that we instil good habits in our students; habits that will stand them in good stead when they enter the world of work.
Students should be in their form rooms and ready for the day by 8.40 a.m. each morning. Students who arrive after this time will be marked ‘late’. Two late mornings in a single week will precipitate a late detention, held on the Tuesday or Wednesday of the week after, from 3.15 p.m. until 3.55 p.m.
Girls who are persistently late will attend an SLT detention with a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
We celebrate and reward good punctuality throughout the year, with certificates, commendations and prizes.