
Work Experience

Work experience is an opportunity to spend time in a work environment outside the classroom to gain early experience of the world of work. Students have the chance to developing skills and self confidence and develop their employability skills. It is not always about developing foundations for a future career, but it does help you decide or explore areas of employment. So please do not feel pressure to find something relating to what you want to do for the rest of your life. There will be other opportunities in further education to obtain more specific work experience relating to what career you want for the future.

Students are given the opportunity to practice key skills they have learned at school and develop their personality and the skills that employers are looking for in the workplace.

Sixth form students completing vocational courses will undertake a period of work experience.  Vocational students have the opportunity to find their own placement but we will have a list of placements they can choose from which is only available in the few weeks before you actually go out. This list has been provided by EHEBP.

All other sixth form students are encouraged to arrange work experience in their own field of interest in the summer of Year 12.

Details of work experience opportunities will be made available to students at the appropriate time.