Timings for first day back 5th September 2018
Arrangements for the beginning of the autumn term 2018
Wednesday 5th September 2018 is the first day back for all students and it is expected that all students will be in attendance and on time. All students need to bring a school bag and their pencil case and contents but no need for PE kit and dressed in full school uniform. All students will need to either bring a packed lunch money for school dinners (unless they are entitled to Free School Meals) Year 7’s wishing to have school lunches will need to bring money until they are signed up to the wise pay system.
New Year 7 School starts at 9.10am and finishes at the normal time of 3.15pm. Upon arrival Year 7 are to make their way to the main school hall where they will be placed in their form classes.
Year 7 may arrive on site from 9am. There will be no arrangement for students to be on site before 9.00am.
Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11 School starts at 10.10am and finishes at the normal time of 3.15pm. Years 8 to 11 may arrive on site from 10.00am. There will be no arrangement for students to be on site before 10.00 am.