
Post-16 Tuition Fund 2021-22

The fund will be spent on small group tuition delivered mainly by existing school staff.

There will be two main methods within this delivery.

  • Firstly weekly tuition for selected students which will run for the duration of the academic year from November until the exams in May.
  • Secondly, Easter tutorial sessions which may be whole or half day sessions.
  • The capacity for online tuition is being made available in case of lockdown but our preferred methods will be face to face.

Students will be identified using the criteria set out in the guidance documentation. We will prioritise based on the following criteria:

1. Students who have not achieved a grade 4 or above in GCSE English and/or maths – targeted for GCSE tuition in the relevant subjects

2. Students who have not achieved a grade 4 or above in GCSE English and/or maths – targeted for tuition in the relevant Level 2 vocational subjects

3. Student who have not achieved a grade 4 or above in English or maths - targeted for tuition in Level 3 vocational or A level courses.

4. Students who have not achieved a grade 5 or above in English or maths- targeted for tuition in Level 3 vocational or A level courses.

5. Students who are from an economically disadvantaged background who are underachieving in relation to their target grades.


A more detailed plan will follow once funding allocations are known.